This past week I participated at the annual Suzanne Evans event called Be the Change in Las Vegas. One of the probing questions she asked at the beginning of the conference was “Where are you hiding in your business and life”? The truth is, our businesses will only be as big as our lives so we need to expand both.
Where Are You Hiding Right Now?
As entrepreneurs we can easily hide behind our computers and avoid networking events, where we have to interact with real people who may be ideal clients or great referral partners.(“What will I say?”)
We can hide behind our family obligations and our kids. After all, they demand so much attention and time. (“How will I find time around my other commitments to market and build my business?”)
We may hide behind our fear of technology (“I don’t know how to create a video or how to use social media”) or our fear of public speaking (“What will they think if it is not perfect?”).
It is easy and so comfortable to hide by remaining in the audience, being part of the crowd, blending in with all the other voices…to not be seen or heard.
Stop Hiding!
Yet we know we have amazing talents, gifts, and experiences that can not only help others but transform their lives or businesses. One of my mentors, Jeff Herring, says ” There are thousands of people waiting to hear your message and they can only hear it from you”.
Re-read that sentence. That means if we do not move from the audience to the stage, thousands will not have the life or business they deserve and really want…and we will not have the life, income, and business we want.
So how do we move from the audience to the stage confidently and boldly? Here are 3 secrets.
First make the decision to make a real difference in the world. The truth is we cannot be the “best kept secret” in our community and market and be successful. Until we make that decision, we remain in hiding. All change begins with a decision, so just decide to step up and step out. Even if we feel like an underdog who does not yet have great success (yet), just begin and success will follow.
Take action to get out there. Where can you network and meet those who may be your ideal clients? Where can you speak and share? As you drive to your next meeting or event, be aware of venues and places you pass along the way. As we become more aware and start looking for resources to help us grow our businesses, we realize they are all around us. We just didn’t notice them before.
Be open to being “discovered”. As you put yourself out there, others will start to notice. You’ll build your reputation locally and online. Be open to new opportunities that will come your way. Fear and uncertainty will come up. Walk through it and do it anyway. That is how we grow and expand our reach and business.
How the “Mystery Lady of Star Wars VII” Did It (and so can you!)
In late breaking news, a very little known young British actress named Daisy Ridley (labeled the “mystery lady of Star Wars VII”) has been selected as part of the cast for the Star Wars VII cast. Although little is known of her past right now (her previous Twitter account has been disabled and she seems cloaked in secrecy), you can bet she followed this path.
She decided to step out of her comfort zone, she took action to get out there and secure minor parts in a music video, one episode of a PBS show, and a few TV credits. She was open to being discovered and now she has been!
And so it can be with you. Stop hiding and let’s see what unfolds!