How to Promote Our Books: 7 Book Marketing Lessons We Can All Use

How to promote our books is a key question all of us as aspiring authors wonder about. We all want tips and information about how we can market and promote our books effectively.

How do we get the word out so we can make a bigger impact in the world and leverage our message and book to grow our businesses? Much can be learned from studying successful book launches.

Key steps for promoting our books from Danny Iny at Mirasee

I just found this great article on, authored by Danny Iny, founder and CEO of Mirasee. Danny candidly talks about what happened with his first book (when he sold only 100 copies in 10 years).

He goes on to share what he learned by “studying and deconstructing the book launches of successful authors”. Needless to say, he saw very different results for his second book (including being on an Amazon best seller list for 2 years)!

Here they are:

1. Plan Your Launch Around Your Goals

2. Build Relationships Before You Need Them (for endorsements and reviews)

3. Engage Your Audience

4. Don’t Copy Blindly (use your own unique voice)

5. Get into Amazon’s “Also Boughts” (read the full article for more info)

6. Get Reviews

7. Go Beyond the Book

Read Danny’s full article here  7 Book Marketing Lessons for Self-Published Authors.

Which of these lessons can you begin implementing this week? Please comment and share below.