Build your business: 3 ways to use your book to build your business faster

If you’re a coach, consultant, speaker, or small business owner, writing and publishing a book is a highly valuable component to build your business. It is all about leveraging the book as a key marketing strategy (not selling copies). The business growth comes from attracting your perfect ideal clients (who will pay you well for your expertise), positioning yourself as a leader in your field, and gaining more exposure to your market.

As they say in academia, it’s “publish or perish” (meaning a professor without publication credits isn’t going to get tenure). I know this is true because my lovely daughter-in-law, Anita, is in academia and she is now working on her second book to further her career and credentials.

In business, it’s “publish and promote“.

Of course, no one is holding a gun to your head, insisting you write and publish a book to run a successful business.

But if you don’t, you’re missing out on an extremely efficient way to promote your brand, your name, and your business. You are also missing many opportunities that having a book opens for you.

Here are 3 ways to use your book to build your business faster.

Gift it to the right people when networking. When you attend networking events, conferences, seminars, or workshops, take a copy of your book. You never know who you’ll meet who might be an ideal client or great referral partner. Offer to mail an autographed version as a door-opener (now you have their snail mail address.,..priceless!) and relationship building tool. (Bonus: We don’t throw away books…especially if they are signed by the author!)

Attract more (and bigger) speaking engagements. You speak as part of your marketing strategy to build your business, right? If you’re wondering how to get bigger speaking engagements and grow your speaking business, publish your book! The minute you have a book in your hand and can introduce yourself to event planners and organizers as a published author, something magical happens. The way you are perceived will automatically change. New opportunities you have never considered before will show up,

Build your authority and credibility. Being an author, hands down, is the fastest way to expand your authority. It also builds your expert status and enhances your credibility within your market. The public assumes that if you’ve written a book on a particular subject, you probably know a lot about it. Therefore, you’re an expert. Expert status and credibility are also very powerful in securing media attention, interviews, and guest appearances.

Is it time you wrote and published your book?

build your business with your book

As I write this, it is early July.

It is possible, if you are serious and start now, to have a written, published, and launched book after the holidays (even if you have no idea right now what you’d write about or you are a new business owner confused about marketing) time for the start of your new year marketing activities. 

Let’s talk about how to make that happen! Just click here to schedule your complimentary 30-minute Leverage Your Authority call.

Excited to talk with you!