Book Writing Tips: 3 Secrets No One is Telling You That Affect Your Book Success

If writing your book is on your priority list this year, you are likely looking for book writing tips to make the process not only easier but that will help ensure success from your writing efforts.

There is a lot of information out there about writing and publishing and unfortunately, some of it is not worth reading (much less using). There are many things that no one is saying or sharing publicly that you need to know to have the success you want with your book.

Here are 3 book writing tips (secrets) that can help assure you begin the right way for success

  1. Define your “why” for writing this book.  Why is the message you have to share so important? What is driving you to get it out there? In my work with author clients, I have discovered that most of us have more of a “head” answer” for this question than a “heart” answer. Here are a few examples of “head” answers.

“There is very little information out there about my topic”.

“What is out there is confusing or not current:”.

Or worse, we have no clue how to even begin to answer this question. It is not because we can’t or that this is a trick question. We just never have been asked this question or given it any thought.

Why is this important? A “heart” answer comes from within. You may have a big message that will help thousands or even millions of people and you know this message is bigger than you.

It is your calling. It is what will keep you writing when you want to quit. The process of writing a book has challenges and we all need to keep that big why in front of us to keep moving forward to the finish line

2. Share your stories. This book writing tip is pure gold. Why? None of us is writing about a concept, idea, or story line that is totally new.

What makes each of us unique is our experience, our wisdom gained over time, and our unique take and view on our topic. Stories connect us to our readers in a way nothing else does. This connection is based on emotion, not facts and information.

Have you ever noticed that our brains are wired for stories? We learn lessons, concepts, and ideas via stories that illustrate the key points.

Think about this: Your why for writing the book is a powerful story and one to share with your readers early in the book. Creating the emotional connection early will keep them reading.

3. Embrace the fact that marketing the book is the key to success. Regardless of your topic, you must actively market the book to get your message out. No one else will do this for you.

Whatever success and results you want from the book, it requires focused efforts after the book is written. If all we do is write, publish, and put the book on Amazon, no sustaining, tangible results will come. This means that our mission and vision for the book will not be realized.

The essence of this book writing tip is to go into the book writing process fully aware that the writing process is just the beginning and marketing the book is an ongoing effort.

Here is a bonus book writing tip!

Start now! Don’t waste time looking for an agent or publisher. If your big why and message is important, get it out there! Time is of the essence. Self publishing is the fastest way to make this happen.

Looking for more book writing tips…

and insights on how the self-publishing process works (and how  you can make it work for you)?

Great! Join us for the upcoming free workshop series via Skype, brought to you by Microsoft 365! Anyone, anywhere can join us via Skype as we share self publishing fundamentals and bring on guests who will share their tips, insights, and learnings on this journey of publishing a book.

Register NOW to join us. There is one workshop per month starting in February and ending in May. All the details are here.

Note: My co-host for this workshop series, Marilyn Shannon, and I are also hosting a session live inside the Microsoft store at King of Prussia, PA. If you are within driving distance of that location, come meet us in person! If not, the next best thing is to join us via Skype.