Your book endorsement is like word of mouth advertising. Even in our electronic, social media world, this remains a highly effective way to market your book and getting endorsements from the right people is well worth your time. Pull the last book you read (or are reading now) and take a look at the back cover. Is there an endorsement from a well-known person there? How about inside the book? Is there a section called “Praise for this book” that has several endorsements? Even if you did not read the endorsements, did the fact they were in the book change your perspective of the author or the book? You bet it did!
You already know that you own marketing your book and this is one of the key steps you must own and manage.
Recently I’ve worked closely with some author clients on the process of securing endorsements for their books. This activity on the book marketing plan has been a key challenge for many of them. Why? We are not sure what process to follow and we are afraid to ask.
Here is a nugget of wisdom I’ve recently embraced: The answer is always “no”…unless I ask!
3 Simple Tips for Taking Charge of Your Book Endorsements
So here are 3 simple book marketing tips for taking charge of securing book endorsements that will really make a difference in your book sales, authority positioning, and credibility.
1. Make a list, Ask yourself “If I could get anyone in the world to write an endorsement for my book, who would it be?” Start writing down the names that come to you. Don’t second guess, judge, or hesitate. Just write them down. Keep writing.
Think about your ideal reader. Which authors, experts, or authority figures do they well respect? This line of thinking produces more ideas.
Feeling as if could never ask some of them?
Regardless of the names you captured and their current success, remember that they were once where you are now. Many do remember “for whence they came” and will be open to helping. After all, they wrote that first book and they had to ask for endorsements and support. This is all part of doing all you can to get your book in the hands of those who need your message and content.
2. Craft your request letter. Now that you have your list, it is time to draft your endorsement request. Make it personal. You may have read their books, been on a webinar they hosted, heard them speak, admired them from a distance, or followed them on social media. Let them know why their endorsement would mean a lot to not only you but your community.
Be brief and professional. Make it easy for them to say “yes” by providing a synopsis and/or some example recommendations they can select from or revise. Make sure you provide the time frame in which you need their endorsement. You may want to write the first one for someone you know and are pretty confident they will support you. Once that one is honed and you feel good about it, move on to writing the others.
3. Be brave and self confident as you send out the letters. You have put words from your heart and mind into your book for public view; now you are asking successful people to back your ideas and words. Know it is all worth it and your message is very valuable to thousands of people.
Imagine how you will feel when someone you highly admire and respect puts his/her stamp of approval on your work!
A true success story…
One of my author clients just told me today that the very first endorsement she received back from the 20 requests sent out is from a well-known expert in her industry and is perfect for the back cover of her book. She is over the moon excited…This can happen for you too… if you are brave, confident, and just ask!