As  I work with authors (especially those just starting out or writing their first book), I express how important it is to be building your author platform while you are writing your book.

Yes, I realize the book is still in process and you have lots of writing, reviewing, and re-writing to do.

And you must make time to build your author platform at the same time.

Why? You need an audience who has a problem your book solves, who appreciates and values you and your work and will be ready to buy the book when it comes out.

So just what is your author platform?

It is your online platform that includes all the ways your fans engage with you ( your web site, social media presence), the size and dedication of your readership, and your affinity and connection to other authors, bloggers, partners, and influencers in your market.

By building your author platform before your book launch, you’ll be able to harness the power of all those potential buyers, all those industry contacts, and your entire web community to increase your chances of success. A successful launch on Kindle and Amazon requires buyers!

How do you build it?

The same way you are writing the book: by taking consistent action every day.

ppt-author-hubView this as a hub and spoke. Here are 3 easy steps to get started.

1. Start with your blog or web site as the hub. Your web site should

  • Describe yourself as an author and business person
  • Provide contact information
  • Describe your book(s)
  • Link to your book sales pages
  • Display and connect to your social media pages
  • Have at least one way for readers to stay connected to you, i.e. registering for your free report, audio, or video that provides high value

2. Add the spokes. These include

  • Social media accounts, including your Facebook fan page and personal page, Twitter, LinkedIn, You Tube etc.
  • Extras like guest blog posts, articles for magazines, podcasts, and interviews


Choose which social media platforms to invest your time based on where you ideal readers and clients are. Picking just 2 will keep this activity more manageable and less of a time suck. Do not try to manage all of the social media sites. You will only wear yourself out, get frustrated, and perhaps give up. Let’s keep this manageable.

Reuse your web site design elements for social media. Your photo and title should be consistent across all the social media platforms. Use the same graphics, icons, and colors. Your tribe will come to recognize when they see that logo or those colors, that the material is yours.

3. Consistently build and expand your platform. Identify and connect with key influencers in your market. Build relationships by providing great content via your blog and social media. Ensure you are capturing interested prospects via your blog or web site  and when you are speaking. List building is critical for any author and entrepreneur.

If you have been in business for a while, you likely have a web site and email list as your starting point. Keep building upon what you have.

Are you writing your book right now and know your reach in terms of your ideal readers and partners to support the launch is not enough to successfully market the book? Here is a gift for you: I have opened a few slots on my calendar for Make Magic with Your Book calls over the next week. Let’s get this figured out now so you are positioned for great success with your book. Find a time slot that works for you on this page.