Remember when you were a kid and you were confident that you were the best speller, the best first baseman, or perhaps the best cheer leader for your team or the best chess player? How did you know?
Others told you. They lifted you up. They saw a talent, a greatness in you that perhaps even you did not see. And they told you more than once. At first, you may have discarded it (“Who me? That was nothing”). Then you heard it a 2nd time and a 3rd and a 4th time. Finally you began to believe it yourself.
Fast forward to today. Do you feel confident in your skills? Your abilities?
What you bring to the table for your readers and clients?
In talking with friends and family members over the past few weeks, I am reminded that building self confidence is one of our greatest challenges. It is addressed in the classic book “Think and Grow Rich” in chapter 2 on faith this way “Taking inventory of mental assets and abilities, you will discover that your greatest weakness is lack of self confidence.”
Ditch that idea that you are the only one struggling with this. The truth is, we are all in the same boat, regardless of how much success we have. It is a universal challenge.
Napoleon Hill goes on to assure us that this handicap can be surmounted and timidity turned into courage.
But how?
Here are 3 simple ways for building your self confidence.
When it comes to book marketing tips, the ones around self confidence are critical. Think about it: Would you buy anything from anyone who does not exhibit self confidence, both in herself and her product or service? Of course not.
Here are 3 simple tips to get started.
Remember self confidence is a mental muscle. We must flex it (as we would any physical muscle to build strength) and and use it..daily! If your self confidence “muscle” is weak from lack of use (and perhaps years of self talk that is not uplifting or positive), it will take conscious effort every day to build this muscle. Start today by identifying one thing you do well and remind yourself of it today…multiple times! It will become a habit as you do it every day.
Surround yourself with people who uplift, support, encourage, and challenge you to be your best. Distance yourself (to the extent possible) from those who drag you down, criticize, and undermine your efforts to move forward. I know this is not easy. Recently someone I considered a very close friend (and whose energy was toxic and detrimental to my spirit) decided to end our friendship. Honestly it hurt and stung for a while. Then I realized this was all for my own good. Since I did not take the initiative to share with her openly how her behavior and attitude affected me, it was a real gift that she made the separation happen. For that I am very grateful, as her exit from my life opened doors for new friends to enter who are amazing, supportive, and uplifting.
Stay positive. Catch yourself when you enter that downward spiral of thinking “I am not good enough” or other negative things you say to yourself and shift your thinking to the many gifts, talents, and abilities you have to share with the world and those you are here to help. Remember those client testimonials, thank you’s, cards and notes you have received from others? Get them out and read them. I keep meaningful notes and cards on display in my living room and frequently look at them when I need a “pick up” in spirit.
Here is a great article I just found with 63 ideas to consider. Perhaps you’ll find a nugget or 2 that will help. 63 ways to build self confidence