Sometimes we get so caught up in all the online marketing strategies for our book that we forget the book marketing strategies to connect with our ideal readers right in our own back yard.

Rather than try to reach the masses online (which will require buying ads on social media), here is a golden book marketing strategy: Go old school!

Market and promote your book locally, then gradually expand your efforts.

Wondering where to start?

First, create written collateral (business cards, posters, brochures, fliers, and even book marks) that will catch the eye of your target audience and that can be shared in a variety of ways.

Then do your research to find local organizations that have upcoming events and are a great match for your book. That means their event attendees include your ideal reader and market.  As an example, if your book is about a business topic, contact your local Chamber of Commerce to be a guest speaker at one of their meetings. Match your ideal target market to the type of local event before committing and wasting your time speaking to what might be the wrong audience. Call the organizer and offer to visit them and talk about your book. Here are a few places you likely to be able to get an author appearance: networking events, lunch and learns, workshops, and clubs. These are all places to connect.

Always have copies of your book with you. You might consider this “trunk of your car” marketing. Honestly you never know when you’re going to be somewhere and get into a discussion about your book. Make sure you are prepared. When you appear at a local event, you may be able to sell copies of your book directly to your target audience. If you’re a guest speaker and they like what you have to say, then they’re very likely to purchase.

Looking for media attention? Regional and national media will not be interested in you or your book until you have generated local attention. It is much easier for new authors to gain attention from local media outlets—such as newspapers, television and radio. Local marketing can prepare you for interviews, give you media exposure, and help you gain practical experience you can use to properly position yourself as a successful author

The credibility and word-of-mouth marketing that will result from your reach’s expansion are priceless, so always remember the importance of an offline audience. Appearing at live events as a featured speaker, doing local book readings and signings, and networking at business networking events will dramatically increase your book sales.

Be ready and prepare yourself. Put on your thinking cap and consider the many ways both online and offline that you can market your book. The possibilities are endless!